Many of you are probably wondering, "What is an accountant doing talking about marketing?" Good question. I am not sure I know myself, but I do know that if we all don't catch up with the times, we will become obsolete, or should I suggest, extinct? We have entered a new age in our world I like to call the Clone Age.
What is the Clone Age? It is the times we are currently living in, when it seems life is so busy we need to clone ourselves to get all the tasks that are required for business in this century (and for personal life as well) done. While scientists continue to work at perfecting the cloning of DNA, the advances in computer technology and brillant minds of this world have essentially developed a concept that many people are involved in without even realizing. Its called the Social Revolution and it is reproducing our marketing efforts many times over what we can achieve ourselves.
For example, let's look at one of the age-old marketing strategies of professionals and small businesses: networking. Not too long ago, a business or professional would need to spend many long hours each weekday evening getting out to meet people face to face and exchange pleasantries and business cards. This is a fantastic way to connect with people, but there are limitations. There are only 7 evenings a week, and if you have any kind of life outside work, it is narrowed down to at least 3 or 4 evenings per week. Heaven forbid, you have a family (like myself), because then you will be lucky to get out 1 or 2 nights per week. Regardless, you are limited in the number of people you meet, the number of people with whom you can share your 1-minute commercial and exchange business cards. This was, and still is to many, an effective way of building relationships that may bridge into business.
Guess what? There is a new way to network. Social networking online has broken the boundaries on the number of contacts you need to meet and the way you share your business information. Social sites like LinkedIn and Facebook are providing 24/7 infomercials for those that have taken time to learn how to navigate and use it for business purposes. The more people you connect with, the more your network grows. It's true you do not have the face to face contact...yet... but it certainly is an effective, time saving way to meet people. You are able to give them your business particulars and allow them to peruse through your various information while they sell themselves on ways your business or profession can be helpful to them. And how much time have you spent telling them all about you? None, except for the time it takes to set up your profile and information you want to share.
The Clone Age is becoming so popular that marketing companies, such as Revolution Strategy in Saint John, NB, are setting up full marketing plans for businesses (businesses that can afford to retain their services), focusing on image building, networking and branding through the interconnected use of social media. For the small business who cannot afford to retain those services, there are ideas and ways to do it yourself. You just need a lot of time, a lot of patience, a vision for what you want to say, and a teenager usually works best. There is no doubt the investment, whether time or money, will reap rewards in the near future. Anytime you can clone your activities, you can reach greater audiences in a shorter period of time.
So why is an accountant talking about marketing? Its all about efficiency and cost savings.
So sell yourself and your business in the new age, the Clone Age.